Getting Started with Matlab 7: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers
Pratap, Rudra
Getting Started with Matlab 7: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers - USA Oxford University Press 2006 - x, 244 P. 22 X 17 cm.
13: 978-0-19-568001-0 10: 0-19-568001-4
1. MATLAB. 2. Engineering mathematics -- Data processing. 3. Dataprocessing. 4. Science -- Data processing. 5. Software. 6. MATLAB 7.0.
Getting Started with Matlab 7: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers - USA Oxford University Press 2006 - x, 244 P. 22 X 17 cm.
13: 978-0-19-568001-0 10: 0-19-568001-4
1. MATLAB. 2. Engineering mathematics -- Data processing. 3. Dataprocessing. 4. Science -- Data processing. 5. Software. 6. MATLAB 7.0.