Basic Business Communication: Skills for Empowering the Internet Generation
Lesikar, Raymond V. / Marie E. Flatley
Basic Business Communication: Skills for Empowering the Internet Generation - USA Irwin / McGraw Hill Companies Inc. 2006 - xxx, 602 P. 27 X 21 cm.
0-07-288002-3 0-07-111152-2
1. Commercial correspondence. 2. English language -- Business English. 3. Business communication.
Basic Business Communication: Skills for Empowering the Internet Generation - USA Irwin / McGraw Hill Companies Inc. 2006 - xxx, 602 P. 27 X 21 cm.
0-07-288002-3 0-07-111152-2
1. Commercial correspondence. 2. English language -- Business English. 3. Business communication.