Cost Benefit Analysis of Mechanized and Labor : Intensive Production of Major Crops /
Azad , Abul Kalam .
Cost Benefit Analysis of Mechanized and Labor : Intensive Production of Major Crops / Abul Kalam Azad, Md. Tanvir Ahmad, Md. Babu Hossain - Cumilla : BARD , 2021 . - xiii , 70 p . ; 22 cm .
658.1552 / AZC
Cost Benefit Analysis of Mechanized and Labor : Intensive Production of Major Crops / Abul Kalam Azad, Md. Tanvir Ahmad, Md. Babu Hossain - Cumilla : BARD , 2021 . - xiii , 70 p . ; 22 cm .
658.1552 / AZC