Proceedings of 1st International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology ( ICDRET 2009) : December 17-19, 2009 [RES]
United International University
Proceedings of 1st International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology ( ICDRET 2009) : December 17-19, 2009 [RES] - Dhaka United International University 2009 - vii, 263 P. 29 x 21 cm
1. Renewable energy sources -- Congresses.
Proceedings of 1st International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology ( ICDRET 2009) : December 17-19, 2009 [RES] - Dhaka United International University 2009 - vii, 263 P. 29 x 21 cm
1. Renewable energy sources -- Congresses.