Research Methodology | Methods and Techniques
Kothari,C.R. -
Research Methodology Methods and Techniques - India New Age International (P) Ltd. 2008 - xvi, 401 P. 24 X 18 cm.
10:81-224-1522-9 13: 978-81-224-1522-3
1. Social sciences -- Research. 2. Research -- Methodology. 3. SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Research.
Research Methodology Methods and Techniques - India New Age International (P) Ltd. 2008 - xvi, 401 P. 24 X 18 cm.
10:81-224-1522-9 13: 978-81-224-1522-3
1. Social sciences -- Research. 2. Research -- Methodology. 3. SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Research.