The Foundations Of Social Research : Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process
The Foundations Of Social Research : Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process - UK Sage Publications LTD 2003 - vii,248 P. 15x23 cm
0-7619-6105-4 0-7619-6106-2
1. Sociology -- Research -- Methodology. 2. Sociology -- Philosophy. 3. Social sciences -- Research -- Methodology.
The Foundations Of Social Research : Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process - UK Sage Publications LTD 2003 - vii,248 P. 15x23 cm
0-7619-6105-4 0-7619-6106-2
1. Sociology -- Research -- Methodology. 2. Sociology -- Philosophy. 3. Social sciences -- Research -- Methodology.